Friday 18 July 2008

Return of the Raiders Friday 18/7/2008

The Raiders are away!! After fixing the rigging, the Raiders had sorted themselves and the boats out and were ready to leave Alderney after dinner with Boyd Kelly the Commodore of the Alderney Sailing Club and his wife the previous evening.

Departure time of 1130 hrs was given and the boys left not far short of it at 1200. With 53 Nm to cover, bearing 355 degrees, the Raiders are expecting an ETA to either Weymouth or Portland at around 1800. Their estimated crossing time is hopefully around 6 hours, especially with the wind blowing an average of Force 5. Homeward bound boys!!


Steve D said...

Fraz, will you make it outfor a beer tonight, going to meet some hot gym chicks in town, dont tell K!!

Steve D, HaHaHa!!!

Unknown said...

you guys are nucking futs !